A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 31

Today is the last day of this month of devotional thought and the topic is what suggestions I would have for people just starting to learn about Hestia. This is going to be a bit tricky for me as I do not see Hestia and Vesta being the same goddess even though I see them…

A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 30

This day’s topic is about interesting or unusual UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) that I have of Hestia that I would like to share. And it is rather interesting that I don’t have anything right now that I would consider an UPG, because when I shared this personal gnosis a few years ago, I was surprised…

A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 28

As this month draws closer to an end, today’s topic involves the worst misconception about Hestia that I’ve encountered. Put very simply, because there is not a lot of mythology that involves Hestia in comparison to the other Olympian Theoi, people think of Hestia as a “minor” Goddess instead of being integral to the order…

A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 27

Today I’m writing on how my relationship with Hestia has changed over time. In a nutshell, it deepened. But once you crack that nut open, it is an interesting story. When I first felt a pull towards worshiping the Hellenic Theoi, I was not even in my teens; and it was Athena who first made…

A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 24

Today’s topic is something written about or for the deity being honored. I use the following prayer daily when offering to the Theoi: A child of the Immortals brings fire to honor the Immortals Hestia, mistress of fire and light Flesh of my soul Bring into this home your divine fire Let this home partake…

A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 23

Today’s topic is that I should share “A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think this deity resonates strongly with”. As I tend to see Hestia as one of the Theoi that is responsible for helping the other Theoi synchronize their efforts and maintain balance in the Cosmos, there are many that…

A Month of Devotional Thought — Hestia: Day 22

Interestingly enough this is one of the most complex ones this month as it is about the music that I most connect with Hestia. For me, it’s everything from the soundtracks from Fiddler on the Roof and Mary Poppins to modern rock in the form of the bands STYX and Metallica and INCLUDES the music specifically used…