Eris in today’s world — some thoughts

Before I begin with my thoughts on the Goddess Eris, I would ask that you read the following from Hesiod: Hesiod, Works and Days 11 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) : “It was never true that there was only one Eris (Strife). There have always been two on earth. There is…

A Devotion and Challenge

Yesterday, I went to donate platelets and plasma at my local blood bank. I used this as a devotion to Asclepius and Apollo because of their roles as Healer Gods in the Hellenic pantheon. These are the basic criteria that my blood bank uses — Blood Donation Eligibility . It is especially important since less that…

Legacy of Sandy

The past few days have had me wondering about the things we leave our children with. Not just the physical objects, but also the lessons that we teach them. There seems to be a huge interest in the material world as shown by the commercials on our television sets, which are also engaged in wars…