Yes, think of the children.

There has apparently been renewed debates as to whether it is right to raise our children in our faiths, prompting Galina Krassikova to write a blog post entitled Polytheist Pride on the subject. Some of the points that she raises in this are extremely important for us to consider. First, if we are trying to restore polytheistic…

Devotional Head Covering — not just for monotheists!

This picture is one that sparked some discussion on my FaceBook feed. One person commented that it was because they were both “brainwashed”, but Galina Krassikova of Gangleri’s Grove commented that she knew of several devotional polytheists who covered for religious reasons. She also made mention that she knew of some that have had people spit on…

The season of Demeter is here

When I refer to the season of Demeter, I refer to the time of year when people start working seriously on their gardens. Most people would not think in this day and age of honoring Goddesses and Gods who are involved in agricultural pursuits. However, tending to tomatoes and herbs — among other food crops…